Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Finding Your Inner Peace

Whenever you are trying to get in touch with your Spirit Senses, it is first important to find inner silence so you can what the Universe is actually trying to tell you. This recipe will teach you how to meditate to find your inner peace. If you enjoyed this recipe or want to get more in touch with your Spirit Senses, be sure to check out our S is for Spirit Senses Magick eBook.

How to Find Inner Silence

Time Needed: 15 minutes a day


  • Comfortable place to sit
  • (Optional) candle, incense, or essential oils
  • At least 15 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted time

Recipe Directions

  1. For at least 15 minutes, sit in a comfortable position with closed eyes, hands in your lap with right hand cradled in the left.
  2. While you are aware of your thoughts, remain unattached from them. Be aware especially of your sensations.
  3. If you have trouble relaxing, try lighting a candle to center your concentration, burn soothing incense, diffuse essential oils, or sit near a running fountain.
  4. Now begin feeling your natural breathing as the breath moves in and out of your body. Don't force your breathing or change it any way, just feel and be aware of your body's own natural breaths.
  5. As you become aware of thoughts popping up in your mind, let them pass through without focusing your attention on them. Think of this as sitting on a shoreline watching boats pass by. If you find your attention drawn to one thought in particular or find yourself hopping on that boat to explore, get off and return to shore. Simply return your focus to your breathing and let the thought pass by.
  6. After at least 15 minutes of sitting in this manner you can get up and end your meditation time.

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