Tuesday, October 18, 2022

8 Corners of Meditation to Restore Your Spirit

With the start of the school year and also having a job, your mind can sometimes feel very hectic and cluttered. Today, Esoteric School is going to share with you a great way to declutter your mind and restore your spirit to give you more spirit for the rest of the day. If you enjoyed this, make sure to check out our Java Magick eBook on Amazon!

8 Corners of Meditation

Time Required: 15 Minutes

Ingredients Needed:

  • A square or rectangular room
  • A comfortable place to sit in that room (DO NOT lie down)

Recipe Directions:

  1. Seat your body in a comfortable and stable position in the approximate center of a square or rectangular space or room.
  2. Locate the four corners of the area that you are in at floor level (that means all around you at floor level). Hold all four in your awareness simultaneously.
  3. Keeping your hold on the floor level corners, locate all four ceiling level corners with your attention.
  4. Hold all 8 corners simultaneously in your awareness and don’t think. Maintain your awareness but do not focus interest on any particular thoughts, sounds, etc. that may occur. The 8 corners should receive all your interest.
  5. Do not lie down to do this meditation and do not fall asleep. You can tell your mind or your body that you are fine and a sleep field is not called for.
  6. If you feel in any way peculiar when you decide to end the meditation, use this relocation procedure:
    • Locate in-head points first in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows and then a point in the back center of your skull directly opposite the first point you located in center of your forehead. Then move your awareness to a location between these two points.
    • Locate your hands, then feet, and then thoughts with your awareness.
    • Locate your body relative to floor, walls, ceiling, and some random objects in the room with your awareness.

When you find yourself stressed or in a low energy state, Mind tends to take over and give directions to Body. Using the 8 Corner Meditation can also bring the Spirit out to lead you. If you enjoyed this Java Magick recipe, check out our eBook to learn more!

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