Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Finding Financial Freedom with Flower Essences

Financial Freedom is the status of having enough income or wealth sufficient to pay one's living expenses for the rest of one's life without having to be employed or dependent on others. That sounds like something we all want right? If not, here are the benefits that being financially independent can bring you.

Why is Financial Freedom Important?

  1. More Security / Less Stress.
  2. Control Over Your Time.
  3. Choose to Pursue Other Passions.
  4. Your Actions Can be More Aligned With Your Values.
  5. Take More Risks.

If being Financial Free sounds appealing to you, make sure to check out our Money Magic eBook. But today we will also share some flower essences that can be beneficial to you in gaining answers toward obtaining Financial Freedom.

Financially Free Flower Essences

  • Angelica: This flower essence puts you in touch with Spirit helpers, especially when you feel the need for spiritual guidance or protection. This essence is wonderful if you feel shut down or out of touch with the spiritual world.

  • Lotus: The reason that the Lotus flower is so prominent in many religions (especially Eastern religions) is because this flower opens the seventh chakra. This chakra, once opened, allows spiritual energy to enter the physical and energetic body. The awakening of the seventh chakra is often associated with enlightenment in many cultures. For those who wish for enlightened information through dreams, Lotus is a perfect solution.

  • Potato: Sometimes it can be difficult to be both dreamer and pragmatist. Or, more specifically, it can be difficult to translate the information you receive in your dreams into practical action steps that will help you achieve your goals. Potato is an excellent flower essence to help you keep one foot in each world—the dream world and the waking everyday world. Potato is one of the best flower essences for “bridging” the two worlds.

  • Star Tulip: This flower essence is sometimes called Cat’s Ear and can be useful if you typically dream of mundane events (running errands, daily tasks, and events from recent days). Star Tulip helps you become more sensitive to messages from Spirit and other helpers, raising the level of dream vibrations so you that you receive enlightened and useful higher-level guidance.

  • Wormwood: If you know that you dream but have a difficult time remembering enough dream fragments to record in your dream diary, Wormwood can help. This flower essence can help you extend the state of twilight consciousness so you gather and record more dream fragments.

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