Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

Do you ever feel lost in life? Do you wish you had some guidance on a particular issue or problem that keeps cropping up in your life? Or do you just need some reassurance that the path you are on is the right one from you?

If so, it may be time to check in with the Spirit of Owl. In many Native American and tribal traditions, Owl is a seer. You can ask the Spirit of Owl to assist you in seeing anything that is hidden from you in life. For instance, you can ask Owl to help you see what's blocking your manifestation, creating an illness or causing disharmony in your workplace. Owl helps you see anything that is hidden from you, including what other people are seeing and feeling.

Here's how to ask Spirit of Owl for help:
1. Say aloud or in your mind, "Spirit of Owl, I request your help."

2. Wait a few moments until you feel the presence of Owl (no more than a few seconds).

3. State your request. For instance, if you need help seeing what's causing an illness, you might say, "Owl, please come with me today and show me what is causing this illness in my body. Please show me in a way that I can clearly understand. Thank you in advance for your help." As with working with angels and other spirit beings, appreciation is important.

4. Stay open to what Owl will show you. Owl will ride with you on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, giving you knowing and understanding where before you had only blindness and confusion. Owl may bring up old memories, send you a phrase from the mouth of a stranger or bring a chance meeting with another person. Owl will use any and every device to help you see.

If at the end of the stated period of time, a day in the above example, you still don't understand what Owl is showing you, ask again the next day. Each day Owl will make it more obvious to you. Each time you gain a new insight or understanding, thank Owl for the help. Remember that Owl penetrates secrets and veils, and can show you anything you wish to know. To gain help from this quick-fixer, all you have to do is ask!

Quick Note: You have the right to know and understand anything in this Universe. It's what you do with this information that's important! Want to learn more magic working with higher beings? If so then the Witchcraft Spell Book: The Complete Guide of Witchcraft Rituals & Spells for Beginners book is the one for you.

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