Tuesday, December 24, 2019

You Won't Believe the Simplicity of Making Your Own Real Magic Flower Essences

Flower essences truly are a wonderful addition to your real magic healing toolbox. Many people resist making their own flower essences thinking it will be difficult and time consuming. You may be surprised how simple it is to make your own flower essences.

What Are Flower Essences?
Flower essences use the natural healing properties of flowering plants to create healing effects primarily in the subtle or non-physical bodies. This can include the auric, mental and emotional bodies. Flower essences work well for emotional upheavals, spiritual disconnection, depression, recurring life issues, mental distress, chronic conditions and as first aid in an emergency situation.

Principles of Flower Essences
  • We were born as a part of nature and all parts of nature come together to form a whole.
  • The plants that are natural to our environment were given to us as companions and healers.
  • We are One together in nature, and our relationship is intended to be one of co-operation in the experiences we create and call "life"
  • Flower essences make available to us the vibrational frequencies and individual qualities of plants. The vibration associated with a plant is the personality of the plant or energy signature. Each plant has its own unique signature. 
  • Flower essences are subtle, making them especially suited for healing our subtle bodies (non-physical bodies that occupy the same space as our physical bodies). The subtle bodies are where many diseases begin.
  • Flower essences provide excellent emotional support for anything you want to achieve in life, especially personal goals and aims. They can help support and facilitate the shift in vibrational frequency needed to accomplish the changes you need to have happen to achieve your goal.
Making Flower Essences
The process of making flower essences itself can be both peaceful and refreshing and a way to reconnect yourself with the Nature around you. The items you use in making your flower essences should be reserved only for this purpose so as to avoid other energetic vibrations cluttering up your flower essences. You will need:
  • Tweezers
  • Distilled water
  • Clear glass bowl
  • Alcohol (80 proof vodka) or organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar
  • Quart size cobalt or brown jar
  • Several 1 or 2 ounce brown dropper bottles
Steps in Making Flower Essences
1. Communicate with the plant first by sitting quietly by the plant, breathing deeply and opening yourself and your heart. Be in silence and ask the plant Deva for permission to use the plant's blossoms for healing. Speak to the plant the same way you would to anyone, but even more gently. You can either speak out loud or project your thoughts toward the plant. Wait until you hear a response.

2. Say to the plant Deva, "Please infuse this water with your divine essence." You can also leave an offering at the base of the plant so that there is an even exchange of giving and receiving energy. Appropriate offerings can include beautiful rocks, consecrated tobacco or cornmeal or a strand of your own hair.

3. Pour the distilled water into the glass bowl.

4. Use the tweezers to gently remove each blossom at its base and respectfully place it in the water. Another method suggests bending the stem of the plant so that the blossom rests in the water, but not to remove the blossom itself. This method is thought to preserve the integrity of the plant. If you use the blossoms, follow your intuition as to how many and choose only those that are in their prime or just coming into their prime.

5. Place the bowl with water and blossoms or petals in the sun or leave it sitting at the base of the plant for 1-4 hours. Again use your intuition for the amount of time. Also pick the time of day to make the essence depending on the type of energy you want for your essence. For example, dawn energy is good for initiating or beginning energy.

6. Remember throughout the process to remain quietly peaceful, not in a hurry and don't allow your actions to become mechanical. This is a process of communing with nature.

7. Next add alcohol to the mixture to prevent external bacteria from contaminating your essence. The mixture should be 50% alcohol and 50% water. Add the water into the cobalt or brown glass jar, then add the alcohol. This mixture is the "mother tincture". The brown or cobalt glass protects the tincture against light which has its own vibration and can cause the tincture to decompose.

8. Store the mother tincture in a cool, dark place such as a dark closest, freezer, or root cellar.

9. When ready to make your actual flower essence, fill a small brown dropper bottle with distilled water and add one dropper full of the mother tincture to it. Succuss the water by striking the bottom of the bottle on the palm of your hand about 50 times. This mixes the mother tincture with the water and excites the molecules.

To learn more about flower essences, and how to make and use them, look for our Energy Healing for Self and Others ebook in the school store.

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