Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Good Magic Tips for Getting Answers from the Universe

Getting answers from the Universe is a good way to make sure we are on the right path or that what we are doing magically is not going to interfere with something we don't have knowledge of. It is also a good way to get guidance for issues we are facing in our lives. Many people are not sure how to go about getting answers from the universe. Here are some good magic tips on getting answers from the Universe to your questions.

Magic Tip #1: Conscious Choice
This is a good magic tip to gather and maintain force. The gathering and maintaining of force, the energy that enables us to transform thoughts and ideas into physical things we can touch and feel, is one of the easiest ways to manifest. When we exert this type of magical act of power in our lives, we are more in tune with the Universe and open to its help in creating our manifestations. The Conscious Choice exercise can help us achieve this state. Doing this exercise for 40 consecutive days is key. If you miss a day, then you will need to start over at day 1, which is OK. It's the doing not the finishing of it that makes the change. Doing the exercise makes every action we take exponentially more powerful and effective than without the exercise. More importantly, the exercise helps us avoid the need for willpower, which can carry us only so far. You will find the force you gather with it to be powerful, flexible, and effortless. In fact, this force is the essence of miracles, in which events happen seemingly outside the bounds of reason.

Here's how to do the Conscious Choice exercise:
1. Make a conscious choice everyday – at any time of the day.
2. Start with trivial decisions, such as what to eat for breakfast, whether to watch TV or read a book, or what color socks to wear.
3. Say to yourself, either aloud or silently, "I will now make a conscious choice."
4. Next, ask yourself the choice question, such as, "Do I choose to watch TV or read a book?" You can also make the question broader, such as, "What do I choose to do right now?"
5. The first answer you "hear" internally (or sometimes externally from a passing person) is what you must follow. You may not, in this exercise, avoid doing the option you have consciously chosen. This is the reason for making trivial choices at first.
6. Make and follow your conscious choice each day for 40 days.

Magic Tip #2: Asking for a Sign
This is a good magic tip to use when you are starting to doubt whether or not your manifestation is taking shape. Feelings of anxiousness and doubt can interrupt magical procedures. When in doubt, getting answers from the Universe in the form of asking for a sign can relieve the doubts and negative emotions that are pushing on your magical creation.
Say to the Universe, "Please show me a positive sign today that I can easily understand that shows me my manifestation is coming to me." It's that simple.
Then watch for your sign. It may be in a conversation you overhear, a symbol that has special meaning to you showing up, something you read, a song you hear or a multitude of other ways. You will need to be aware and watching for the sign. If at the end of the day, you have not recognized the sign, ask again. Ask this time to be shown a sign that is clearer to you. The Universe will always deliver the sign, we just sometimes miss it. It's OK to ask for something more obvious.

Magic Tip #3: Asking Owl
The owl totem is a good one to work with in getting answers from the Universe. Owl medicine is associated with clairvoyance, astral projection and magic. Owl sits in the east which is the place of illumination and can see things that others cannot.

To work with Owl:
1. Say aloud or in your mind, "Spirit of Owl, I request your help."
2. Wait a few moments until you feel the presence of Owl (no more than a few seconds).
3. State your request. For instance, if you need help seeing why you keep having negative love relationships, you might say, "Owl, please come with me today and show me what is causing these negative relationships in my life. Please show me in a way that I can clearly understand. Thank you in advance for your help." Appreciation is very important to this process.
4. Keep an open mind to what Owl will show you. Owl will ride with you on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, giving you knowing and understanding where before you had only blindness and confusion. Owl may bring up old memories, send you a phrase from the mouth of a stranger or bring a chance meeting with another person. Owl will use any and every device to help you see.
If at the end of the stated period of time, a day in the above example, you still don't understand what Owl is showing you, ask again the next day. Each day Owl will make it more obvious to you. Each time you gain a new insight or understanding, thank Owl for the help. Remember that Owl penetrates secrets and veils, and can show you anything you wish to know. All you have to do is ask!

These three good magic tips for getting answers from the Universe are simple to do and can amaze you. Give them a try and see for yourself what results you get. We'd love to hear what experiences you have. Either leave a comment on our blog or Facebook page. We've shared our magic with you, now you can share your magic with us.

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