Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Magic 2012 - Temper Tantrums Allowed

Children are born magical and wise. How and why? Well, one of the things that babies and children do very well, especially early-on in life, is cry, fuss, and throw temper tantrums until they get what they want. When they are babies, they are the most successful at getting what they want, and they tend to lose this trait to "education and imitation" as they grow older.

Normally speaking, society doesn't consider the "temper tantrum" to be "good behavior" ... thus frowning on this tactic. It's no wonder that we, as adults, rarely throw temper tantrums, at least not publicly. However, in magic 2012 temper tantrums are not only allowed but can also be very helpful.

Magic 2012 and Temper Tantrums
The Universe, as you have probably figured out, is all-powerful and knows all. And the Universe, especially during this year, finds our antics amusing. Thus even temper tantrums are amusing to the Universe, not to mention occasionally quite useful.

You may be wondering why temper tantrums are called for in magic 2012. After all, if the Universe is all-knowing, why doesn't the Universe just deliver what we want and be done with it? The Universe DOES know what we want and DOES deliver when we ask. The temper tantrums are for us.

Going out and throwing a temper tantrum at the Winds of the four directions can actually be very helpful for us. Temper tantrums are clarifying. They help us ask and answer the question, "What do I REALLY want?" As adults, we have lost the clarity of desire that we had as children, not to mention the willingness to demand our desires.

Throwing a temper tantrum--a child-like form of behavior--returns us to a child-like state of clarity. Tantrums also help us blow off steam and clear repressed emotions. Clearing repressed emotions in magic 2012 is REALLY important, because they are the most likely culprits to sabotage our magical work. This year is all about being present to our emotions, especially since emotions are the language of Spirit, so don't "stuff 'em." Instead, throw a temper tantrum, demand what you want from the Universe, listen as the Universe laughs at and with you, and return yourself to a joyful, peaceful, child-like state. It's fun!

In throwing a temper tantrum and getting back into a happy place, we are also fulfilling our roles on this planet. As the Hopi say, our "job" is to "sound a joyous note to Creator's ear." So if a tantrum gets us back to a happy place, then by all means we should throw a tantrum right here, right now.

How do you throw a temper tantrum? That is completely up to you. Whether you scream and yell at the Universe in general, write a demanding note to your guides and burn it in your Firebowl, or just get down on the ground and pound your fists ... just do what come naturally. As a child you had it in you to do a really good tantrum. Just go for it and enjoy!

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