Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What Magical Knowledge Do You Want to Know

We love to stay in touch with our readers, clients and those in our online magical communities. If you've got a magical or shamanic question, our Facebook page is a great place to post it and share the magic online. Not only will you get the answer to your magic question, but other people get the benefit as well! If you haven't got a magical practice going, you may wonder why you would even want to have any magical knowledge and if you can really get magic online. The answer to the second part is yes. Magical resources we offer include our member's area with a free ebook and magical library of articles, blog, ecourses, ebooks, Kindle books, online store of ritual supplies, newsletter and more! Here are a few answers to the first part as to what magical knowledge and developing a magical practice can do for you. 

Move to Consciousness
Most people go through their lives in a mechanical state. In other words, they go through life reacting to the stimulus around them instead of choosing their thoughts and actions. Their thoughts and actions revolve around the things on their To Do list, family worries, social engagements and so on. We're not saying this is a bad thing, but it doesn't lend itself to raising your consciousness or the level of your being. Since the level of your being attracts the level of your life according to Universal law, living in this way doesn't nourish Spirit and doesn't allow you to attract anything higher. When you have a magical practice, the way you think changes and you have pauses built into your day that allow you to be conscious, aware of who you are and make connections with higher powers and beings. It also allows us to remember what we really want in life and moves us from living in a mechanical reactionary state to one that allows us to consciously respond to situations and people. 

Develop A Spirit Connection
Part of a magical practice is connecting with the Universe and higher powers and beings to co-create and manifest the things you want in life. Doing spells and rituals that quiet the mind or put us in touch with physical sensation bring us into contact with Spirit. Having contact with Spirit allows us to take time out from noise and hectic schedules to listen to our inner guidance. That is where the truth lies and the part of us that always knows what is right for us. When making decisions, most people spend a lot of time weighing pros and cons, gathering advice from others and worrying if they are making the right decision when all they really need to do is consult Spirit.

Create Spirit Networks
If you were raised hearing things like "you have to keep your nose to the grindstone to succeed" and other hard work sayings, you may find getting what you want in life is hard work. It doesn't have to be that way however if you live with magic in your life. Part of that means having the help of higher powers and beings like angels, totems, and guides to aid you in manifesting those things you want in your life. A magical practice allows you to develop those relationships with higher beings and learn how to co-create with them. 

Align with Universal Principles
In a magical practice we quickly learn that doing spells and rituals designed in accordance with Universal principles is way more effective and safe than those that are not. Following the Rules of the Road that govern magical practice and principles such as "as above, so below" and four element principles make for a sound practice. Having this type of magic knowledge will enhance your aim. For example, if you are looking to gain knowledge in a situation, you'll want to work with the principles of the magical element Air whereas if you are in a situation that calls for action, you'll want to employ the principles of the magical element Fire. 

Now that you have a better idea what magical knowledge can do for you consider joining our tribe on Facebook and share the magic online. You can let us know there what magical topics you'd like to know about. If you're not on Facebook, shoot us an email and we can post your question and our answer for you.

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