Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Magically Clear The Air

 I was watching the news one day as CNN ran a story about the EPA cracking down on yet another environmental polluter. Protesters had lined up by the scores to voice their disgust while company officials spouted carefully scripted lines for the cameras. In other words, it was a whole lot of hoopla.

I’m glad that as a nation we have become more aware of the devastating effects of waste products on the environment. I’m also constantly surprised that so little attention is paid to the effects of psychic or energetic pollution. 

As energetic beings we’re constantly throwing off all kinds of different energy. We beam joyful energy when we’re happy and we shoot out little bolts of lightning when we’re angry. We can’t see that energy but we can sure feel it. Have you ever noticed the energetic difference between a jolly coffee shop and a hospital emergency room? How about between a stable family home and the house of a couple about to be divorced?

If you’re like most of us then you spend most of your time in three places: your office, your house, and your car. Since it’s almost impossible to totally avoid negative energy or disagreements from occurring in those places, it’s important to periodically clear the air with regular energetic cleansings. 

How do you psychically clear the air? Here are three ways:

Burn Broadleaf Sage: Known as the “King of Sages” broadleaf sage is prized by many native tribes for its powerful cleansing and healing properties. Light the sage and blow the smoke on the walls walking around the room in a clockwise direction.

Light a Sun Candle: The sun symbol and the color sun yellow both nourish the spirit and cleanse the air. Properly charged, a sun candle can clean any room or car within 30 minutes. 

Use Hematite: Placing specular hematite stones in the four directions will absorb negative energies as quickly as they appear. Just remember to cleanse the stones regularly (at least once a month) with broadleaf sage by holding the stones in the smoke for a minute or two.

Taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint and keep the air we breathe clean is important, but don’t forget that clearing your energetic air or space is also important. Magically clearing the air around you helps you maintain your sacred space and create an environment to live a magical life.

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