Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Want to Change Your Life Magically? Get Ready for the Big Burn

If you have anything unwanted in your life you can get rid of it magically with this ritual you'll find in our Kindle Book, Learn How to Do Witchcraft Rituals and Spells with Magical Tools along with lots of other great rituals. This ritual gives you the power of the Firebowl to do the Big Burn.

The Firebowl
When choosing a firebowl, look for one that is made of brass, cast-iron, ceramic or a hard hardwood. It should be 4-6 inches in diameter and 4-5 inches deep. It should also be a shape that is easily held with one or both hands and light enough to carry in one hand if necessary. Make sure your firebowl has a shape that will be stable when placed on a flat surface. The shape of the bowl should also be curved-in and flared back out at the top rim to promote "columning" of incense or smoke. For this ritual, along with a Firebowl, you will also need:
  • Self-starting charcoal discs
  • Wood chips to insulate the charcoal from resin or incense and facilitate burning
  • Pine resin
  • Finely ground or rubbed sage
  • Sun Candle
  • Pen and plenty of blank paper
Start by lighting the Sun Candle with wooden or paper matches and charging it with this verse:
"Child of Wonder,
Child of Flame,
Nourish My Spirit,
And Protect My Aim!"
Then follow these directions:
1. Stand or sit in the South facing North with your Firebowl and other materials in front of you.

2. Light the charcoal with a match lit from the flame of the charged Sun Candle. It should begin sparking within seconds.

3. Once charcoal in the center of the Firebowl is lit, blow Sun Yellow energy pulled from the Sun Candle into the Firebowl until the disc is burning well. 

4. Add wood shavings to the charcoal, then the pine resin, and then sage as needed until the Firebowl is producing a good column of smoke.

5. Blowing Sun Yellow into the charcoal before and after the verse, and between each line of the verse, use a voice of command to charge the Firebowl with this verse:
"Fire and Air where you are cast,
Let no spell nor adverse purpose last,
Not in accord with me!
Clear from my life these unwanted matters,
Send far from my life these negative factors!
Thus my will, so it be!"

Doing the Big Burn
This magic ritual is especially good for getting rid of unwanted anger, negativity, or negative factors you are experiencing in your life. The technique matches the energy of anger in particular because it burns literally. Be sure to observe fire safety precautions when doing this ritual and follow these directions:

1. Sit in the South facing North with all of your materials in front of you.

2. Light and charge the Sun Candle

3. Charge the Firebowl.

4. Start writing everything that is bothering you or making you feel negative on your blank pieces of paper. Keep writing as fast as you can and get everything out on the paper. Write as much as you need to and don't worry if you repeat yourself. Write until you literally run out of steam (combination of Fire and Water energy).

5. Now you are ready for the Big Burn part of the ritual. Place your Firebowl in front of you (be sure your Firebowl is large enough to accommodate the burning of the papers – if not, move the entire operation to the sink or some other place that is safe for burning)

6. Take a moment to do whatever you need to do to move the anger or negative feelings out of yourself. You might ask for help from angels, ask for guidance, just have a moment of silence, or take several deep breaths.

7. Now, light the papers with your wooden or paper match and let it burn in the firebowl. You can light each sheet individually (many people find this method more satisfying), or wad up the whole mess of papers and light the entire thing (again observing fire safety precautions).

8. Then sit back and watch your anger go up in smoke.

If you are dealing with a chronic or stubborn problem, you may need to do the Big Burn on a daily basis for 40 days or more. This will give you 40 days of making a daily conscious contact with the Universe. Doing this technique as a daily ritual will also build the strength of your spell matrix for 40 days in a row. While some experts feel that bad habits or chronic conditions can be handled in less than 40 days, spiritually the number 40 is very effective.

So the next time you find yourself overwhelmed with anger or other negative feelings or situations, just get out your firebowl and do the Big Burn. Magically melt those problems away so you can enjoy life.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Practice of Magic: Why Bother? Here's Why!

Maybe you have a busy, rewarding life with a great relationship and all the money you could want, so why bother with the practice of magic? Magic isn't just about manifesting the things you want in life, it is also about spiritual development, evolving as a human being, and making the most of your time on the planet during this lifetime. The practice of magic can bring you closer to spiritual influences, help you understand yourself better, give you ways to change those things you want to change and be in control of the various archetypes that rule you. The practice of magic is an introduction to a way of living in consciousness rather than rushing through our lives unaware. Here are a few more specific reasons from the first book in our Witchcraft Spell Books Kindle book series, entitled LEARN HOW TO DO WITCHCRAFT RITUALS AND SPELLS WITH YOUR BARE HANDS, to take up the practice of magic.

1. Most people are wrapped up in their To Do lists and everyday mundane tasks. In a sense they are like robots plodding through their days running from one "have to do" to another. The practice of magic can help break us out of robot-mode giving us a way to pause in the day and come from a place of consciousness. This allows us to become aware of who we are, where we are and what our aims are. Consciously performing spells and rituals prevent us from going through life in a purely mechanical state.

2. The practice of magic allows us to stay connected to Spirit which is essential to attracting what we really want in life. Taking the time to quiet the mind, perform daily rituals or get in touch with physical sensation brings us into contact with Spirit. The practice of magic gives us the opportunity to be conscious of all this and take the time to make it a priority in our lives.

3. Becoming a co-creator with the Universe in manifesting what we want in life is another benefit of the practice of magic. We also learn how to connect with and work with higher powers and beings to get help with anything we want help with.

4. When we go through life in the robot state, we tend to be in reactionary mode. That means we are not choosing our thoughts and actions, rather just reacting to stimuli around us. The practice of magic can help keep us on a path of conscious choice and remind us what we really want in life.

5. One benefit I find in the practice of magic is that it helps me be better in understanding and dealing with people. Being versed in the characteristics of the 4 elements, I am able to ascertain which elements a person is exhibiting and which elements I can employ to interact with them for mutual benefit. For example, if I am dealing with an angry person, I know they are high in the fire element. By using a tone of voice full of earth tones, I can damp out the person's fire so that we can now have a rational discussion and find solutions instead of standing around yelling at each other.

These are just a few reasons I can see to engage in the practice of magic. We'd love to hear some of yours. Leave a comment below or on our Facebook page or Tweet us on Twitter and let the magic begin!

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Magic for When It Is All Too Bloody Much!

It is all too bloody much!

That came in an email the other day from someone who had been hit with calamity after calamity ... everything from fender-benders to sick kids to pay cuts at work.

It was just too much and this person wanted to know what he could do, magically, about his situation. It's a good question, and he's not the only one asking it.

Magical Solutions When Life is Too Bloody Much
This is an important topic to address because a lot of people often find life a little too hard to bear. Many people are waking each day to minor calamities, from tooth abscesses to broken computers to relationships that are falling apart. It's like life as we know it is falling part.

So what do we do magically to alleviate this problem? After all, when life as we know it falls apart, it's not a good thing. Luckily, we can take magical steps towards a happier future.

Three Magical Steps when Life is Falling Apart
I like to keep things simple in magic because life is complicated enough. There's no point in making your magical practice complicated as well, right? So here are three magical steps you can take if your life is, well, falling apart at the seams.

1. Don't panic. (duh!)
2. Choose one very, very simple magic ritual you like.
3. Become a slave to the magic ritual.

So let me explain. These three steps really work, and I've deliberately made them sort of inflammatory to make a point. So bear with me. Let's take it one step at a time.

1. Don't Panic
The "Well, duh!" factor is pretty high on this step, but is has to be said. After all, what's the first thing we are programmed to do when a calamity occurs in our lives? PANIC! Yup, sheer unadulterated panic. So learning how NOT to panic is pretty important. By Law of Attraction, panic attracts more things to panic about. So learn to back off the panic a hair or two. Go with, say, annoyance or light cursing to start with. You probably can't go from panic to happy, but you can take a step back from panic and satisfy yourself with a few curse words. So practice, practice, practice not panicking. This is important. Consider it a crucial part of your magical training. You have to master this step, at least somewhat, before moving on to the next step.

2. Choose One Very, Very Simple Magical Ritual You Like
This step is pretty logical. Magical rituals are useful because they create magical effects in your life. The more your life if falling apart, the more magic you need in your life. So you'll need a magic ritual you can use when something calamitous happens in your life. So pick a magic ritual, any ritual, that you like and that is simple. Remember, when you are focused on not panicking, you won't have a lot of brainpower left to do a complicated magic ritual.

Some magic rituals I like include the Navajo Beauty Way Exit Ritual, the Sun Candle, and hiring angels. You can read about all of those here:

Navajo Beauty Way
Sun Candle
Hiring Angels

Or make up your own ritual. You can also get a bunch of simple magic rituals in our Daily Rituals ebook, which contains tons of rituals and teaches you how to create your own. In any case, pick a ritual, learn it well, and keep it handy.

Daily Rituals Ebook

3. Become a Slave to the Magic Ritual
This sounds kind of extreme, but it's actually a very common principle in many esoteric and tribal practices. The gist of it is this: there can only be one "most important" thing in your life, and that thing will either be intentional magic or it will an accidental life event. In many magical traditions, students are instructed to choose an aim (or ritual) and to make that aim their god in life. Why? Because the aim or ritual is intentional, which means it creates a very precise and pre-determined effect. A wanted effect.

This effect acts as an antidote against all the "accidents" that otherwise occur in life: the fender-benders, the sick kids, the reduced paycheck, and other calamities. So being a slave to your chosen magical ritual simply means putting more attention on that ritual than on the current calamity.

Here's how it would work. Suppose you choose the magic ritual of hiring an angel. Now suppose you get into a fender bender. Step 1: don't panic--just mutter a couple curse words under your breath. Step 2: Whip out your magic ritual. Step 3: If possible, hire an angel to fix this mess (before you even get out of the car to deal with the other driver).

Pretty simple, right? By putting your magic ritual ahead acts on the physical plane, you attract more magic and intention, and fewer accidents. I'm assuming, of course, that the fender bender is minor and you have 15 seconds to hire an angel before hopping out of the car. If not, use common sense and take care of business first and hire an angel later. Just remember to put your emphasis on the idea that magic is more important than panicking about the life situation.

This simple three-step magical process works really well during turbulent times. Even if you are not going through “turbulent times” right now, practicing these steps now can help you prepare for when they do come. Really. Magic works, it really does.

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