Thursday, June 25, 2015

Make 2015 Your Best Magical Year Ever!

Are you ready to make 2015 the year you get serious about living a magical life? If so, this is the perfect time to signup for our online Basic Magic Courses. Starting today, for the next seven days, these courses are being offered at 25% off the regular price. Just enter the coupon code - magicbl25 – at checkout to get your discount. That means big savings to help you start your magical journey in 2015. If you're not sure whether magic is for you or not, try out some of the offerings on our blog and try out real magic that works for free for yourself. Then if you're ready to move on and really start in-depth study to bring magic into your life, make the commitment to just do it.

Here's something you can get started on right away that we have all our students begin as soon as they start class and all through their studies. It is a simple daily contact ritual to start opening the way for magic to flow to you and to begin establishing a relationship with higher powers and beings. This ritual is part of the Navajo Beauty Way ritual called the Exit Ritual and here's how it's done.

The Exit Ritual
1. Everytime you leave your house or car or other enclosed area, stop and put your focus up into the sky and say aloud, "Sky Above" or "Sky Father."  If you feel comfortable doing so, you can also raise your arms in an upward facing V toward the sky as you say this.

2. Keeping the awareness above you, extend your focus into the earth and say aloud, "And Earth Below" or "And Earth Mother." You can also use the hand motions while saying this by lowering your arms toward the ground in a downward facing V.

3. Keeping awareness of both above and below, say aloud, "I Greet You."

4. Wait a few moments and see what happens. Be alert for acknowledgement or response either:
•From within you, such as a realization, a change of attitude or belief, a new awareness.

•Changes in your environment, such as a sudden breeze, a change in the color of the sky, a bird or animal suddenly appearing, or a tree or shrub suddenly becoming vividly visible or possibly a four foot skunk to come walking by.

•A response from Sky and/or Earth: a special message for you, an answer to a question, or guidance and new directions.

5. Stay aware throughout the day for any additional results. It may change the quality of your day, your awareness, send totem animals with messages, or many other ways. The more you do this ritual, the more connected you become and the more you will see magic show up in your life.

Want to Learn More?
These online courses are offered as a full 30 week course or if you are already a magical practitioner and just want a refresher, you can get them one at a time in 3 levels – Basic Magic Level 1, Basic Magic Level 2 and Basic Magic Level 3. You'll start with the basics, establishing a thorough magical foundation by studying the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth and how to use them for communication, healing, balancing your own and others' energies and more. Then you move into learning about magical tools and which tools can be used with which elements for a variety of magical operations. The course also covers magical self defense, the Tarot, spellwork, simulacra magic and sonics. That's a lot of magical knowledge and wisdom passed down by our master teacher to you through audios of actual past teleconference classes, videos and class notes. The discount coupon expires July 2nd, so don't delay. Get your magical savings and start living your life with magic now.

Image courtesy of  Stuart Miles  /

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