Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Magic 2013: As the World Wobbles

Have you noticed lately how things in the world are strange, funky, and otherwise just plain hinky? Maybe you are suddenly accident-prone or suffering from strange new health problems. Or maybe business has suddenly taken a funny turn. Perhaps relationships that have been solid for years are all of sudden on the fritz.

So what in the heck is going on here? After all, 2012 is over... it is supposed to be smooth sailing from here on out, right? Maybe, or maybe not.

What Didn't Happen in 2012
Contrary to many popular predictions, the world didn't end in 2012. Neither California nor Florida floated away. The South and North poles did not change positions. The Earth suffered some strange effects and disasters, but nothing compared to a true pole shift.

Instead, the people on the planet are the ones who experienced the pole shift--some more dramatically than others. For some of this, our true North suddenly became South. I saw this happen in my wife's life. She has been dedicated to the art of horsemanship since the age of four. She would ride any horse, nag, pony, or wild beast offered to her. Her dream was to eventually jump a horse in double clear rounds at the Grand Prix level.

All good. Then she suffered a number of accidents, some on horses and some through various life events, and that desire is gone. She, an avid collector of horses and horse projects, has suddenly reduced her usual gaggle of horses to one mare. She may eventually go back to the dream of riding at the Grand Prix level, but for now, her focus has completely shifted to other goals. The Grand Prix dream, which used to be her true North, has suddenly shifted to the South pole. Just like that, in the snap of a finger. Boom.

So while the Earth didn't suffer a total pole shift, many people, like my wife, have suddenly found their own personal poles shifted... seemingly without any warning.

What's Happening with Magic 2013?
So if you are a practitioner of the magical arts, how do you make sense of the hinky happenings this year? If you have experienced your own pole shift--or even series of pole shifts--how do you cope? What kind of magic can you do to lessen the impact on your life?

Well, first let's take a look at what's going this year. I would best describe the planetary happenings with the phrase, "As the world wobbles." This is partly, of course, a play on the daytime soap opera "As The World Turns."

The world is certainly still turning in orbit, thank goodness, but there's a very slight wobble going on as the planet circles around in that orbit. A slight wobble you say? Not a major wobble? Yes, a slight wobble. For the planet, the wobble is very slight, but for us humans, every tiny tremor in the planet can be felt as a major life shift, or perhaps as a continuous chain of minor inconveniences that stack up into a major headache.

For instance, one person reports a chain of small events that has stacked up into a major debt: a car malfunction, a not-too-major health issue, a tiff with a client, a sick pet, and minor house repair. Taken separately, these issues are not major, and this person would easily be able to handle them. But the problem is that they all occurred in a span of two weeks. Compressed into that time frame, this person is about to pull his hair out (what little hair is left, that is!). Now that is an example of the world experiencing a tiny wobble as it circles the sun.

In the other instance, a person can feel the world wobbling as a single major event that absolutely changes North and South poles, as discussed above. In the cases of these personal pole shifts, the severity can range from a lifetime interest in something simply disappearing to a life-threatening illness that leaves one teetering on the edge of life and death.

So what's a person to do as the world wobbles? Let's take a look at what kinds of magic are most beneficial in 2013.

How to Use Magic 2013
As you may have already figured out, Magic 2013 is about expecting the unexpected. That means being prepared, and having your magical toolbox fully stocked and ready to go at all times.

Next, adaptation is key. We have a phrase that we use often in our school (thanks to my teacher George Dew) called "cut and fit." Cut and fit is exactly what it sounds like. It means that you have to be able to look at the situation in front of you, rummage around in your magical toolbox, and come up with the right combination of tools that will solve the problem. The key is that the tools you use may or may not have originally been intended for the purpose to which you are now applying them. Nope. Magic 2013 calls for creativity, ingenuity, and the ability to shape your knowledge and experience in new ways to fit the new world--and its wobbles.

Then there's your perspective as you look at your life and any new situations that may have cropped up. You may need to adopt some new "rules" or paradigms in your life to cope with the strange events that appear. Here are some examples that may help:
  • There are no wrong decisions
  • Life is just an experiment so there are no "wrong" answers – you are just gathering data.
  • Hinky stuff is happening to everyone so at least you're not alone
  • Life on planet Earth is pretty messy right now, so just clean up as best you can and then do something that makes you feel good
  • You get to make up the rules to your own life, so now is a good time to start thinking about which life rules you might want to discard, and which new rules you might want to create

Sound good? Need more help? Check out our selection of ebooks and homestudy courses or Kindle books for specific ideas on how you can deal with your life as the world wobbles!

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 Image courtesy of smarnad / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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